Military Jerks

The military is supposed to turn children into adults...but that doesn't always seem to be the case. Whether it's an entitled army wife or "that" guy in basic training, these service people just don't get common decency, let alone common sense.

Read on for Reddit's most ridiculous military jerks.

1. Sold Out

I'm in the army, and marriage means something to me. Well, turns out my wife was pilfering money from the marriage, to the tune of about $1,000 per month. It had gone on for a few years before I figured it out.

Not satisfied to simply stash away her own salary, she began to buy stuff on the joint charge card, then sell it on eBay. I paid the card.

I started the divorce without telling her. During this time, I took my name off the joint card without telling her and began using my own credit card.

When the bills came in for that month, I informed her that I would not pay the credit card bills anymore, that she had her own job and her own money and she could pay her own bills. There was the expected ruckus about that, but I stuck to my guns.

A week or so later, she had a screaming foot stomping tantrum about how it wasn't worth her time to work her eBay business. (Because she now had to actually buy her own inventory instead of just selling stuff I bought).

Yeah, I cracked a smile. The story ends thusly: I later traded the money for shared custody, zero payments to her, and zero claims on my pension, etc. She walked away with less than she'd have gotten if she was honest. I even got the house.

Our divorce was final four months ago.


military jerks

2. Crazy in Love

I worked as an employee with the Marines. Got a call that the spouse of one of the officers was in the hospital. The details sounded horrific.

Her place on base housing had gotten broken into, the nine-month pregnant spouse was beaten and taken by ambulance to the hospital. The assault caused a miscarriage. I was devastated and went to the hospital with several officers in the Marine’s chain of command. But I had no idea what I was in for.

One of the nurses tending to her looked me in the eye and said, "I am very interested in how this is going to play out". I was so confused. The nine-month pregnant assault victim was given an ultrasound and blood work performed upon being admitted to the hospital. That’s when the truth came out.

She hadn’t been pregnant. She wasn’t hurt in any way. Her "due date" was the next day and she’s been faking the pregnancy the whole time. She beat herself up and made up the story resulting in miscarriage as a way to cover up the nine months of lying to her husband about being pregnant.

I’ve never seen this level of crazy until three months later when said Marine reunited with the crazy girl even after all that.



3. GI Jane

This one's a little bit different. I was in a Co-Ed basic training at Fort Jackson back in the day. There was this one girl, I'll call her Jane, who was extremely smart but was super tiny and weak compared to her counterparts.

She would struggle on runs, push-ups, sit-ups, and ruck marches looked terribly painful for her. She would barely squeak by anything involving physical training. We would overhear the women talking down to her saying things like "

you're making us all look weak". I mean she was really trying but her physical stature just made everything super difficult. She was improving over time physically but I remember her for her commitment and heart.

Towards the middle of training we had to hit the bayonet course. It's basically a series of obstacles on a path in the woods with dummies you stab with your bayonet. Everyone got a walk through and went back to the beginning.

Each soldier was to go down the course by themselves and there was like a 10-15 second gap between when the next soldier would go.

Jane was behind me a ways, so when I finished she was out on the course. She came running down the course and finished which was good for her. Jane walked over to a Drill Sergeant who was talking to our First Sergeant and interrupted them.

This is one of the biggest no-nos you can ever do in basic.

The Drill Sergeant whipped around and screamed "This better be really important Private"! Jane’s answer was not what he expected. Out of breath, Jane said, "My bayonet is in my arm, Drill Sergeant". Sure enough, this big old bayonet is impaled to the hilt through the middle of her forearm. The DS was like "What"? and asked how this happened.

Apparently, she fell over the second obstacle andpiercedherself right through the arm. She detached the bayonetand completed the course with it stuck in her arm. Completed the course. I like to think that I was reasonably tough back then, but I would have probably been screaming and completing the course would have been the last thing on my mind.

She came back that day all bandaged up with no lasting damage. She graduated with us on time.


Military Idiots


4. VIP 

I'm not a service member but my brother was. He passed in 2011. At the funeral, it turned into an utter disaster. His wife screamed at my mother and told us all to sit in the back because she was more important. For eight years now she has run around various news outlets and government agencies demanding more free gold star wife stuff.

To date, she has been given two houses, six figures worth of stipends, and multiple televised recognitions. She knew my brother for a total of two years but they were barely together from the first date to his passing.

She acts like his family doesn't exist and she squashes any attempt by the rest of us to receive any sort of recognition.

She has alienated all of the other gold star wives in her support circle and constantly belittles other fallen servicepeople.

The last thing he said about her, about two weeks before he passed, was that when he returns to the states he's fixing his mistake and divorcing her for being "a real piece of trash".


Military Wives
