Whether they are enforceable laws with legal implications or road etiquette norms—these are the written, and the unwritten, rules of the road we all need to be more aware of. How many are new to you?
The average person in America spends about 370 hours on the road each year. But all time isn't equal, and 370 hours in one city can be much better—or much worse—than 370 hours in another. These are the BEST and WORST cities for drivers in America.
Auto racing is a fast and exciting event. But it is also a very dangerous one that has ended in tragedy for many a racer throughout the history of the sport.
From stolen cars to potholes to Pastor's with hot wives—there are some strange things that go on before, during and after NASCAR races. Take a few laps with us around these oddest of moments.
They might sound like a good idea. But for the sake of your vehicle—and the other people on the road—please stop doing these things to, and in, your car right now!
There are all kinds of records in the history of Formula One racing. However, these are the F1 records—both good and bad—that will likely stand forever.
These days cars come in all kinds of colors. But what are the most popular, how has it changed over the last two decades, and what colors are popular with what people?