The Ugliest Cars Ever Made
Automotive Eyesores
The automotive world is full of iconic beauties, but some cars are so ugly, we can’t help but wonder what the manufacturers were thinking. Here are 15 cars that made headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Aston Martin Lagonda (1976 to 1990)
The Lagonda was supposed to be luxury addition to the lineup of traditional British sports cars, but its boxy shape and sharp lines left many people shaking their heads.

Aston Martin Lagonda
The car was also long, which combined with its big windows, made it an unattractive sight on the road. Even for the time, people considered it one of the ugliest cars in the world—but it still came with a hefty $150,000 price tag.

Fiat Multipla (1998 to 2010)
Few cars are as unsightly as the Fiat Multipla. Its squat, disproportionate shape was one thing, but the real eyesore was the car’s headlights.

Fiat Multipla
Wanting to give drivers better visibility, Fiat equipped the Multipla with two sets of headlights. Unfortunately, this only made the car’s odd look that much weirder.
With the main headlights placed higher and farther back from the smaller ones, the car looked like a strange robotic bug.